Add a Manually Graded Item

Adding a Manually Graded item in the Grade Center – step-by-step tutorial pdf file

Grade Columns represent any student effort that is measured. Work that is not automatically graded can be measured in the Grade Center by creating a Grade Column.

1. Enter your course
2. Click Grade Center
3. Click Full Grade Center

Click Grade Center , Click Full Grade Center


4. Click Create Column

Click Create Column


5. Add the Column Name, Grade Center Name, and Description

Add the Column Name, Grade Center Name, and Description


6. Choose the Primary Display, Secondary Display, Category, Points Possible, and add Rubrics if desired.

Choose the Primary Display, Secondary Display, Category, Points Possible, and add Rubrics if desired.


7. Set the Due Date

Set the Due Date


8. Choose the Options for the Grade Item

Choose the Options for the Grade Item


9. Click Submit

Click Submit