State and Local Boards:
- Governor’s Executive Workforce Board
- Stark Development Board Executive Committee
- Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce
- Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce
- ConxusNEO
- Strengthening Stark Governance Committee
- Elevate Greater Akron Steering Committee
- TeamNEO Talent Development Council
- Stark Education Partnership
- Workforce Investment Board for Stark and Tuscarawas Counties
- Northeast Ohio Manufacturing Growth and Advocacy Network (MAGNET)
- Akron Urban League Founding Member, Women’s Impact, Inc.
- Stark County Women’s Impact
National Affiliations and Awards:
- American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
- Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC), chair of President’s Council
- National Education Council, The Manufacturing Institute (affiliated with National Assn of Manufacturers)
- Member, Ohio Board of Regents’ Task Force on Technology Transfer and Commercialization
- Member, Franklin University’s President’s Council
- Participated in U.S. delegation visit to Germany, with community college presidents, state departments of labor and U.S. Department of Education representative. Trip hosted by German ambassador, with the purpose of showcasing Germany’s education and training system
- Participated in two national dialogues in Washington, DC, hosted by the Brookings Institute as part of a White House initiative to develop an advanced manufacturing workforce; and Johns Hopkins AICGS (American Institute on Contemporary German Studies) dialogue with U.S. and German education, business and government leaders on how the German apprenticeship and training model could support U.S. advanced manufacturing training needs.
- Athena Award Recipient, Stark County Women’s Impact