Stark State College

Community annual fund

Stephanie AlismaDear Friend of Stark State College:

Faced with the possibility of eviction, Stark State College student Stephanie was desperate to find a way to make ends meet. Her first thought? She was afraid she would have to drop out of college. Then, she learned about the Stark State College Foundation Emergency Lamplighter Fund.

Emergency funding from the Foundation enabled Stephanie to remain enrolled in her culinary classes and stay on track to graduate next year. A first-generation college student, Stephanie was struggling on both physical and financial fronts, with broken ribs and a concussion from a car accident, a bout with COVID-19 and the loss of her chef’s job during the height of the pandemic.

“My landlord was warning me of eviction and the fund helped me catch up on rent,” Stephanie said. “The assistance helped me stay in school and I even had the opportunity to complete an amazing internship as a sous chef at Yellowstone National Park, an experience that will boost my career. Without the help, I would have given up on my goal.”

Students like Stephanie benefit every day from our emergency funding – funding that provides a one-time payment of up to $500 directly to the vendor the student owes. Thanks to the Foundation’s generous donors, our struggling students can stay in college and achieve their academic and career goals.

We’re fortunate to partner with donors to help remove barriers to education and encourage our students to persevere. Please consider joining us this year with a gift to our emergency fund to help students like Stephanie graduate and pursue their career goals.

Thank you for considering a donation to the Stark State College Foundation today. Together, we can remove barriers for students and help them persevere and succeed!.

There is no more lasting or meaningful gift than the gift of education.


Frequently asked questions…

Why should I give?

Your gift to the Stark State Annual Fund is important every year. All gifts, regardless of size, allow Stark State College to become the best institution it can be…and a leader in accessible higher education. Gifts to the Stark State Fund

  • provide scholarships for deserving students, making college accessible and increasing opportunities for completion success
  • help students to develop a skill set for gainful employment or prepare for seamless transition to a 4-year college
  • support dual enrollment, allowing high school students to gain college credit without incurring debt
  • address underfunded needs and gives us the ability to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities that will advance the College
  • are an excellent way to make a tax-deductible contribution to the College’s mission and future.

Where does the money go?

Over the past 23 years, the Stark State College Foundation has given more than $4 million in scholarship funds to more than 12,000 students. During the 2017-18 academic year, the Foundation funded more than $1 million for student scholarships, college projects, programs and instructional needs.

What is an endowed scholarship?

An endowed scholarship is a permanent charitable scholarship fund that is invested with a long term strategy in order to provide income into perpetuity without invading the principal. A tax-deductible donation of $5,000, payable over five years, will establish an endowed scholarship in your name or a loved one’s name.

What is a matching gift?

Many companies will match an employee’s or their spouse’s charitable donation. This is a great way to double your donation. Check with your employer to determine if they have such a program.

Your gifts are vital to ensuring that those who want to learn have the opportunity to do so. For more information on planned giving and other giving opportunities please call the Advancement Office, 330-494-6170 ext. 4643.

Thank you for supporting Stark State College Foundation.

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